Sahithya Manimaran (Intermediate)
Software Engineer(FrontEnd-HTML,CSS: Backend-PHP,Jquery,Javascript,PHPSql) at Comforters IT Solution, -, -
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About Sahithya Manimaran
Designer in Mobile Application App - Name MODOC.
Designed floral Design, logos and also as Photoshop editor
Designed pages in coral draw software.
Designer in comforters IT Solution website designing.
Designed individual application named Time Base Management.
Nearly 2 years experience as a software Engineer in comforters IT Solution.
Experience in IT that includes Analysis, Design,Unit Testing(Manual
Testing) and production Support.
Experience in Mobile App Development using jquery Mobile .
Experience in Front End Design using HTML, CSS.
Experience in Backend design using PHP Javascript Jquery.
Experience in working in PHP Myadmin using Sql.